Sunday, April 26, 2009

Apologies on the comments.

Experiencing some issues with IntenseDebate comments displaying on my old template. I took the opportunity to pretty-up the blog a little bit.

All I did was change the CSS definitions for a couple of elements on one of the standard blogger templates. Comments will be re-installed shortly. Hopefully I can restore all original comments.

The graphic on the header is a digital sculpture of Prometheus by Scott Eaton.

EDIT: Sorry, IntenseDebate doesn't import back old comments. I've decided to go back to the old blogger comments system. It's clean and fast. ID is a little too buggy for my tastes at the moment.

1 comment:

Danny Boy, FCD said...

I only use ID because my blog host doesn't have native comments support. For blogs with decent comment systems, I suggest they stick with it. ID adds another level of complexity, slowing down the page load, and even making the site behave erratically.